The digital marketing space is awash with agencies and freelancers who offer a bit of everything. Essentially, they are a jack of all trades and a master of none. For this reason, the results of their services are near misses and do not provide value for you as the client.

While finding a junk removal marketing agency may take longer, it is well worth the hustle and time. Not only will you benefit from years of experience and professionalism, but you will also get the expertise and data that will deliver results quickly and affordably. 

Our junk removal marketing service has helped brands like yours consistently generate sales and thrive. Here is what you can expect:

In addition, you also get a guarantee of why our proven system works and testimonials from customers who have used our services in the past. The best thing is that you can cancel anytime if you do not get the desired results.

Why Choose Our Junk Removal Marketing Services?

At Alpha SEO Plus, we believe in offering turn-key solutions to each customer, with a focus on junk removal companies. This sets us apart as we have the experience and data to ensure we offer our customers the best quality and value. 

a photo of a waste bin

Here are more reasons why you should choose our junk removal marketing services:

  1. Reach the target audience: Our junk removal marketing services target people in your locality who need junk removal. We can connect you with current and prospective customers by leveraging channels like Google and social media.
  2. Cost-effective: Since we are junk removal, digital marketing specialists spend their time. This cost-effective strategy allows you to stretch your marketing and advertising budget for better conversions.
  3. Measurable results: By incorporating both local SEO and digital marketing, our team can execute various strategies that you can use to track and measure the different key performance indicators (KPIs). This data-driven approach allows us to refine marketing and advertising strategies for better results.
  4. Improved conversion rates: With our years of experience in the junk removal marketing business, we have devised a proven system that targets your intended audiences. Our system has helped hundreds of junk removal businesses improve lead quality and enhance conversion rates.
  5.  Advanced tools: We are a certified Google Partner, Instapage Partner, and accredited Bing Ads Partner. These and other tools in our arsenal will ensure you get value for your money through our digital marketing for junk removal businesses.

Contact us today for a consultation with one of our marketing professionals and get started on improving the quality of your leads!

Our Comprehensive Marketing Strategies

We have refined our marketing strategies to provide the best junk removal marketing services. We have helped junk removal businesses generate over $150,000 in monthly revenue from quality inbound leads.

Here is an overview of our comprehensive junk removal marketing strategies:

Local SEO

Local SEO is a marketing strategy that optimizes a business’s online presence to attract localized traffic, brand awareness and leads. The critical tasks involved in local SEO include:

Here are our top strategies for local SEO for junk removal companies that will generate high-quality leads and improved conversion rates:

  1. Ensure that only one page targets a specific keyword. For example, having two or more pages on your website targeting one keyword could lead to a scenario known as ‘keyword cannibalization,’ where both pages compete against each other. This might lead to increased advertising costs.
  2. Optimize your web pages for page load speed and mobile. Then, ensure that you test their mobile friendliness and loading speed.
  3. Use modern compression techniques for your images.
  4. Set up a sitemap and submit it to Google Search Console. Fortunately, most WordPress websites include a sitemap at no extra cost.
  5. Invest in quality web page content and ensure each page has at least 500 words.
  1. Avoid using the same content for your junk removal business in different locations. Always create unique content for each location.

When used correctly, local SEO can increase your business’s foot traffic. This proven strategy allows potential customers to gauge your business and experience the human experience. Contact us today for SEO for junk haulers. You could also incorporate non-digital marketing to boost your local SEO, such as:

With that said, here are tips on how to optimize your Google Business Profile:

Finally, test different primary categories to see what your competition is doing in your location.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising, or PPC advertising, is a strategy in which businesses pay for the clicks that lead to a page on their website. Google Ads is one of the most popular platforms for ad campaigns.

The strategies to consider when using PPC ads for your junk removal business include:

  1. Set up a Google Analytics account and ensure it is appropriately configured and synced to Google Ads to ensure the accuracy of your conversion data.
  2. Identify and set up your negative keywords from the onset. For example, ‘trash pick-up’ and ‘junk removal’ in some states might have the same meaning. Setting up ‘trash pick-up’ as a negative keyword will ensure that you are not paying for clicks from businesses and individuals looking for trash correction services
  3. Use a target cost per acquisition (CPA) bid strategy
  4. Monitor your KPIs and optimize your ad campaign at least once per week
  5. Categorize your junk removal services into separate ad groups for better conversion rates using our PPC for junk removal services

Google Ads is undoubtedly the most efficient paid advertising service in the digital space today. The cost per click (CPS) averages between $1.50 and $10. However, you can set the cost per your junk removal advertising budget.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing (SMM) is the strategic process of promoting a business, product, or service through social media platforms. Over the years, it has become an indispensable and powerful strategy for enhancing brand visibility, increasing customer loyalty, and driving sales.

However, to run a successful SMM campaign, you must understand the potential customer’s intent to buy by incorporating retargeting ads. It is the best way to build a community around your junk removal business, and you could also get emails for your newsletter.

The critical components of a successful SMM campaign revolve around:

  1. Crafting high-quality content tailored to each platform to engage the target audience. This could include creating videos and taking high-quality photos of your business in action
  2. Listening and interacting with your followers to drive engagement
  3. Tracking the performance of your activities and adjusting strategies based on the data collected
  4. Running targeted social media ads.

Depending on your target audience, you could focus your SMM activities on Facebook, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, or LinkedIn. Your social media marketing for waste removal could include Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, X Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and more.

Email Marketing

Despite the rise of various and valuable digital marketing platforms, email marketing is still one of the most helpful marketing strategies for a junk removal business. We have seen search engine algorithms evolve, social media rules change, and profiles taken down, yet email marketing has stood the test of time.

For a junk removal business, the best email marketing strategy is segmenting your lists by location and service. Emailing your customers a newsletter with valuable information, such as emerging trends and best practices in junk removal, could keep them interested without being annoying.

Moreover, repurpose the content generated from your SEO by sharing it with your emailing list whenever you publish new content on your website. You could also have a location-specific and time-limited offer, such as giving a 25% discount to clients in that location as a strategy for email marketing for junk removal services.

Website Development

Despite the proliferation of mobile apps, a professional-looking website is still a marketing staple. Moreover, an ever-increasing number of website makers allow drag-and-drop features to create a website. However, studies show that customers will leave a website if they do not like the user interface and the ease of browsing it. This decision is made in under three minutes.

For this reason, we recommend hiring a professional to create a website for you. The advantages of this include:

In addition, a professional-looking website will increase the appeal of your junk removal business and the value of your services. Contact us for guidance on the best website design agency in the USA.

Our Proven Process

At Junk Removal Marketing agency, we have a proven process that has been honed over time to ensure value to our clients. The process is offered by professionals with over a decade of combined experience. Here is what you can expect:

Professional Consultation

We strive to understand your business by following a checklist that will give us insight into who you are, help us understand your unique selling points, and help us understand the challenges you are facing as a business. We then tailor our approach based on your specific needs and current circumstances to address your concerns and provide actionable advice relevant to your situation.

To cap it all off, we discuss the various marketing strategies available for junk removal businesses in your location and provide the strategy we will use to enhance the quality of your leads.


Depending on your goals and objectives, we will define what you want to achieve within a set timeline. After this, we will follow the following steps:

  1. Identify the target audience based on their demographics, pain points, preferences, and behavior. This will help create the buyer persona to guide the best marketing strategy.
  2. We review existing data by analyzing past marketing strategies to identify what worked and what failed. Using data derived from customer feedback, analytics tools, and sales reports, we can craft a bespoke marketing strategy for your junk removal business.
  3. We will also study your competitors in your area and beyond to identify the gaps and opportunities you can tap for your junk removal business. This way, we can learn the successes and failures of each to refine the approach to marketing your business.
  4. We will research relevant keywords related to junk removal services. This will inform the budget you need for running paid advertising on different channels and allocate it accordingly for ROI
  5. We will then create the specific marketing campaigns that best align with your goals. These could include social media marketing, SEO, content marketing for trash removal, and junk removal services.
  6. Email marketing and paid advertising. Finally, we will develop a cohesive marketing strategy integrating the various channels.

Our professional junk removal marketing expert will define an appropriate timeline for each campaign with start and end dates.

Monitoring and Evaluation

We pride ourselves on being a holistic junk removal marketing agency that works well with our clients after implementing a marketing strategy and campaign. To do this, we review the progress made regularly and adjust where needed.

This includes the following steps:

  1. We set evaluation intervals based on your campaign’s goals and duration. This consistency in monitoring allows us to track performance and progress effectively.
  2. We will collect data from analytics tools and customer feedback throughout the campaign. The data collected includes:
    1. Return on investment to measure the profitability
    2. Cost of acquiring a new customer
    3. Sales growth to monitor your new revenue trends
    4. Brand awareness to assess the recognition of your junk removal business and recall
    5. Lead generation to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign to generate leads
  3. Assess progress and results by comparing the actual performance of the marketing campaign against the goals to ensure that it meets the set targets. This will show whether the marketing strategies employed are working as intended.
  4. Analyze the results to understand why each strategy worked for your business to replicate the successes and test new strategies for campaigns that are not giving the desired results.

Since monitoring and evaluation are ongoing processes, we will have reports for every interval and create a comprehensive report at the end of the monitoring and evaluation period that will include the key metrics and their trends, insights gained, and recommendations for future optimization.

Success Stories

It is not enough to take our word for it when we claim to be the best junk marketing agency. Here are three case studies to show how we can help your junk removal business 

66 Leads in 30 Days

One of our biggest success stories is a junk removal company in North Carolina that gained 66 leads in 30 days. We ran PPC ads for $80 per day, which resulted in 169 clicks and 1,760 impressions, giving an average CTR of $9.65. This resulted in 66 leads at $1,630 for the 30 days and a conversion rate of 39.05% using a max bid strategy.

47 Leads in 30 Days

In California, one of our clients set an ad spend of $50 per day, which got them 1,561 impressions and 124 clicks. This resulted in an average cost of $8.47 and a total of $1,049.05. This gave them 47 leads in 30 days and a conversion rate of 37.90% using the Max Conversion bidding strategy.

17 Leads in 7 Days

Another client in North Carolina spent $125 on daily ads, for a total of $749.98. This resulted in 35 clicks from 365 impressions. The company’s conversion rate was 48.57% in 7 days using a max conversion bidding strategy for the PPC ads.

Junk Removal Industry Insights

Digital marketing has changed the modern business ecosystem. Moreover, given the proliferation of smartphones and ease of access to the internet, modern customers are looking online for junk removal businesses.

Some of the insights worth noting in the junk removal sector include:

Book a consultation with us today for more in-depth insights into how to leverage the power of digital marketing for your junk removal business.

Get Started Today!

Digital marketing does not have to be complicated. Our junk removal digital marketing services are renowned. Our professionals will turn your business into profitability by offering bespoke services suited to your business in 30 days. We guarantee to increase your visibility and enhance your return on investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is digital marketing important for my junk removal business?

Digital marketing is undoubtedly essential for all businesses today, including junk removal. Indulging in digital marketing will ensure that:

How can I generate more leads for my junk removal business?

With digital marketing, generating leads for your junk removal business is easier than ever. The strategies to use include:

For every client you serve diligently, there is a high chance they will refer you to others. For this reason, ensure you provide excellent customer service even after completing the job.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in junk removal marketing?

Marketing a junk removal business is more challenging than most business owners would like to believe. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid for success:

  1. Using a general digital marketing agency that does not understand the intricacies of the junk removal business
  2. Ignoring local SEO and focusing only on basic SEO practices
  3. Failing to estimate the costs and pitfalls of digital marketing accurately
  4. Failing to engage with potential customers on social media
  5. Lacking a professional website
  6. You are ignoring bad reviews. They could be from competing businesses, and doing reputation management could help your business long-term.

Contact Us Today!

Are you looking to boost the visibility of your junk removal business? Please avoid the mistakes we have seen with most companies in your niche. We offer digital marketing services tailor-made to junk removal businesses. We have the expertise and data to ensure the success of your marketing campaigns by using revolutionary marketing strategies based on a decade of combined experience.

Get in touch with us, Alpha SEO Plus, to learn more about junk removal marketing and other digital marketing strategies you can use to get more sales.